Get your BPD Bandannas and raise awareness about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

As seen on the Border Collies Beach Walk on 27 October 2019

BPD Bandannas are still available for dogs, pets and people.

Help to raise awareness about BPD, a mental illness affecting approx 1 in 25 people, trapping them in emotional dysregulation and black and white thinking. With the right treatment, people can and do recover from BPD

Fit out your human and Fur Family!

To order your bandannas, go to and tap Register

Bandannas are sold by Australian BPD Foundation


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This website is produced by members of the Sanctuary Support Group. We are not mental health professionals nor clinicians.  We are ordinary people who care for someone with BPD. This website is a collection of information that we have found helpful or of interest in the context of our own lived experiences. The content of this website is not a substitute for independent professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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