Sanctuary Support Group
BPD Carer Blog
Sanctuary members regularly share information they have found helpful, here. If your family member or friend has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), then we hope these posts are helpful to you.
Self Harm
Dr George Evans kindly spoke to Sanctuary about self harm – a behaviour that many of us have encountered, which can be confronting and confusing
Carers have Rights
Carers have rights in the South Australian Health system. When things aren’t going the way we think they need to go, what can we do?
Planning for Christmas
Special occasions like Christmas can be particularly challenging for someone with BPD, and for their families, who love them. Does it have to be that way?
IPS Employment Scheme
The Individual Placement and Support Program (IPS) helps people with mental illness to gain and maintain employment. Evidence shows IPS is far more effective than traditional methods
Assistance for Carers
Mental health carers don't have to do it alone, in South Australia. Help is available.
National Consensus for BPD
It's time that Australians had access to appropriate treatment and support, for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Do you support this call for action?
Basics of BPD
What is Borderline Personality Disorder? What are the challenges for carers and how might we meet them?
Myths and Facts about BPD
Much is written and said about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). What does the evidence tell us? What is a fact and what is just a myth?