Carer support


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most serious of mental illnesses, with a prevalence in Australia exceeding that of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder combined.

It is an often-misunderstood condition that has many challenging aspects, for family members as well as clinicians. If you're new to all of this we hope these pages, our meetings and our shared experiences can provide some help.

Sanctuary is run by volunteers. We are not mental health professionals nor clinicians.  We are ordinary people who care for someone with BPD.

Our selection of BPD links, topcs, downloads and resources

Browse our blog by subject or jump in to see what's new

Join us on second Tuesday of the month in person or online

A volunteer support for carers of people with BPD

Our next Sanctuary meeting will be on Tuesday, August 13, at 6.00pm, in the Marjorie Black Room at SACOSS, corner Young and King William Streets, Un

Family Connections® is a free, 12-week course from NEA.BPD for the family (or friends) of those living with BPD.

Emotion dysregulation is a core symptom of borderline personality disorder, and a key contributor to the intensity and distress of the illness.

Carers have rights in the South Australian Health system When things aren’t going the way we think they need to go, it can be a harrowin

Christmas can be especially difficult for those living with BPD, and for their families who love them.

Skylight and Carers SA outlined the assistance available to carers of people living with borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Dr Martha Kent spoke about the basics of BPD, and the challenges and recommendations for carers

Deb Milford spoke to Sanctuary about the Australian NDIS scheme, who is eligible and tips on applying for people living with BPD

Suggestions about what to look for in a new clinician, and some questions you may like to ask a therapist before you actually make an appointment.

About Us

Sanctuary is a support group for anyone who cares for a family member or friend who has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD. Sanctuary is a safe haven, where carers are welcomed and receive support to cope with this serious illness, which often causes much trauma for both carers and those diagnosed with BPD.