The Lived Experience of Men with BPD – Recording

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When that fella you care about lives with BPD…

Hear from some men (who are now coping much better with the symptoms) talking about how BPD affects males

  • the impact of the 9 diagnostic symptoms of BPD
  • how they personally reacted
  • how they dealt with the illness
  • what it was that helped them on the road to recovery


0:00Emcee Brodz – Lived Experience Performer – Brodie performs live a hip-hop song he has written on Flipping the Script
4:10​ Tony Greenrod – Carer and MC
12:15​ Aaron Fornarino – Lived Experience –
25:00​ Sharon Bax – SA Prison Health
38:12​ Jake Hodgman – Lived Experience – Jake talks about learning to ride the wave of emotions and compares BPD to a car with a touchy accelerator and faulty brakes
50:40​ Kimberley Gilson – Forensic Psychology registrar, Senior clinician BPD Collaborative


This event was held at Flinders Uni on 9th October, as part of our BPD Awareness Week 2020


Click here to Watch the Recording

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This website is produced by members of the Sanctuary Support Group. We are not mental health professionals nor clinicians.  We are ordinary people who care for someone with BPD. This website is a collection of information that we have found helpful or of interest in the context of our own lived experiences. The content of this website is not a substitute for independent professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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